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Regenerative Medicine
Stem Cell Therapy
"Regenerative Medicine is not the Future of Medicine...It's the NOW!"
Regenerative medicine is research using molecular biology to replace and regenerate cells, tissues, or organs to establish normal function.
Regenerative injection therapy is the placement of natural human tissue in unhealed areas of injury which stimulates the body to heal itself, promoting improved function and decreased pain.
Where Does Regenerative Tissue Come From?
Tissue is harvested from the patient's own blood or bone marrow. PRP (platelet rich plama) is extracted from the blood. BMAC (bone marrow aspirate concentrate) is extracted from bone marrow. This ensures no adverse reaction.
Is this Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cells are found in all of the injection tissues used, but in different concentrations. Regenerative therapy involves much more than stem cells. It is a complex process that requires many healing enzymes and cells.
Why Us,
Why now?
Regenerative therapy has been used for several years on joints and muscles, but now research supports the use in spinal structures to regenerate tissue and improve pain. At IPS, our expertise is the spine, and our goal is to treat pain.
Facts about Regenerative Therapy
It's safe! To date, there have been NO severe adverse events recorded
There are no ethical concerns with the tissue that we use
Regeneration works best before the age of 50
An estimated $149 million in costs are saved by PRP injections in the U.S. annually
Patients who choose PRP are less likely to develop complications leading to surgery

Where can therapy be used?
Hips, Knees
Shoulders, Elbows
Hands, Feet
SI Joints
Facet Joints
Intervertebral Discs
Tendons, Ligaments
And More

Processed or engineered cells can also be used from fat cells, frozen umbilical cord, or placental tissue (embryonic cells) but this is currently illegal in general practice. These techniques must be performed only in investigative and educational institutions with special license from the federal government.
There are commercialized clinics that perform these therapies at exorbitant prices using non physician staff to administer the injections. These injections are often performed blind.
Don't be lured in by these clinics!
We use only legal methods of regenerative medicine (PRP, BMAC)
All injections are performed by medical doctors (MDs)
Advanced imaging is used in the placement of every injection